Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Great Women

It's a great woman

Be able to dress wounds with WAIT ..

Able to dampen the anger with forgiveness ...

Able to remove a grudge with SORRY ..


Able grateful for every gift of God with THANKSGIVING ..

Able to accept the provisions of God's approval ..

Because for him whatever comes in life nothing is in vain. Allah knows what is best for His servants ..

O Allah, make the women who read the status of a HOT woman, a woman who likes to OBEY and not violate SHARIA ..

Aamiin ..

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

When devil visit to Rasullullah

When devil visit to RasullullahA visit Devil Forced To Prophet Muhammad(Of Muadh bin Jabal, Ibn Abbas)
When we were with the Prophet Muhammad at the residence of a friend Ansar, suddenly heard someone call from outside the house: "O occupants of the house, can I go? Because you will need me. "
Prophet said: "Do you know who's calling?"We replied: "Allah and His Apostle know better."He continued, "It was the devil, curse of Allah be with him."Umar ibn al-Khattab said: "Let me kill him, O Messenger of Allah".Prophet held him: "Patience, O Umar, do not you know that God gave him a chance until the Day of Resurrection? Better open the door for him, because he had been commanded by God to this, understand what he had to say and listen well. "
Ibn Abbas RA said: the door opened, it turned out he was like a grandfather who defect in one eye. In his beard hairs as there are 7 horse hair, fangs look like pig tusks, lips like cow lips.
Satan said: "Greetings to you Muhammad. Greetings to you the audience ... "Prophet then replied: "Greetings be to Allah SWT, as the accursed creature, what is your need?"
He said: "O Muhammad, I did not come here volition, but of necessity.""Who made you?"
An angel of the messenger of God came to me and said:"Allah commands you to come to Muhammad Muhammad diri.beritahu bowing on your way to tempt people. jawabalah truthfully all questions. For the sake of Allah, if you lie once, then God will make you dust in the wind. "
"Therefore I now come to you. Ask what you want to ask. If I'm lying, I'm going to be abused by any enemy. There is no such thing happened to me instead of scolding greatest enemy. "
The people hated the DevilProphet then said to Satan: "If you're honest, most people who hate you?"Satan immediately replied: "You, you and people like you are God's creatures I hate the most."
"Who's next?""The young man who gave his cautious serve Allah SWT."
"Then who will?""People Aliim and wara '(Loyal)"
"And who else?""People are always performing ablution."
"Who else?""A devotee who patiently and never complained kesulitannnya kepda other people."
"Any sign of patience?""O Muhammad, if he does not complain about the difficulty to others for 3 days, God will reward those who are patient."
"Then what?""The rich are grateful."
"What kesyukurannya sign?""He took the wealth of the place, and remove it also from its place."
"A man like Abu Bakr what do you think?""He never menurutiku in the ignorance, especially in Islam."
'Umar bin Khattab? ""By Allah, I would see him every run."
"Usman bin Affan?""I'm ashamed of the people who were ashamed of her angel."
'Ali bin Abi Talib? ""I expect him to be head survived, and hoped he released me and I let go. but she will not do it. "(Ali ibn Abi Talib obtaining dhikr of Allah SWT

7 Fuser SIN sentence

1. Say "Bismillah" pd tiap2 about to do something
2. Say "Thank God" pd tiap2 finished doing something
3. Say "Astaghfirullah" saying that if the tongue tucked inapt
4. Say "Insha Allah" if planning to do something in the next day
5. Say "La illa billah kuwwata Haula wala" when faced with something that is not in love / not in want

6. Say "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun" if faced / receive disaster
7. Say "Laa ilaa ha illa Allah Muhammad ur Rasulullah" throughout the afternoon and evening, so it is not separate from his tongue ...

 Hopefully we can all practice it, aamiin.


A believer must believe that everyone, except the Prophet, will be visited by angels Munkar and Nakir in his grave to ask about religion in anutnya. When they came to the tomb of a person, that person dikembalikanlah spirit into his body so he can answer questions on ask him. He also must make sure that the dead know the people who come on pilgrimage to his grave.Allah Almighty says, "Allah confirms [faith] those who believe with the firm saying in the life of the Hereafter ..." (QS.Ibrahim [14]: 27).it is said that what is meant by "the life of the world" is when the spirit out of his body (his deathbed), and "the afterlife" is when asked by the angels Munkar and Nakir.Rosululloh SAW said, "If any one of you have entered into the tomb, two angels came again to turn blue black faced him, the angels Munkar and angel Nakir. Both will ask him, 'What do you think about Muhammad?' If the person is a believer, he will reply, 'He is a servant of Allah and His messenger. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.' Then the angels said, 'It's us know that you used to say that when in the world.' Then, the grave of tiu expanded as much as 70 x 70 feet, and lit with light. After that, it is said to him, 'Go to sleep!' The man said, 'Give me a chance to get back to my family to tell them about the favors that I get.' Answered what he said, 'Go to sleep you, like her a bride who can not be woken except by her lover, until it comes time for you to be raised by Allah SWT. "As if he was a hypocrite, when asked he would say, 'I do not know. I've only ever heard people say something, and I also went along to say it. ' Then the angels said, 'We know that you say that first time in the world.' Then, it was said to the land of his tomb, 'Apitlah this guy!' Land rose flanked by broken bones. Then he was in torment until Allah raised him from the dead. "(Narrated by Abu Hurairah)Al-Bara 'ibn' Azib tell; One time, we came out with Rosululloh SAW escort someone from the Ansar bodies. After arriving at the cemetery, and the bodies that too directly at the input to the grave. He SAW time sitting on the edge of the grave, we had come to sit with him. Then he held a piece of wood and make a line on the ground with the wood, then he SAW said, "I seek refuge in Allah from the torment of the grave." three times.Then He SAW said, "If a believer will leave this world, the angels came to him with a white face like the sun, carrying the shroud and fragrance-Haruman of heaven. Then the angels that sit nearby. Later came the angel of death kepadanyadan sitting nearby and said, 'O my soul tranquil and holy, come out to the mercy of Allah and His pleasure of. "SAW He continued, "Then the spirit of the believer was pouring out of his body like water flowing out of the container. Soon spirit came out, it immediately took the angels are spirits and do not leave it in the hands of the angel of death sekejabpun goods. Subsequently, the spirit that they wrap with shroud and doused with perfume they had prepared earlier. then terciumlah fragrance fragrance kasturi oil exceeds that ever existed on earth. smell the fragrance wafted by angels in the sky when the spirit was taken up into heaven. they ask , "Fragrance is this? ' they replied, 'So and so ibn Wangi so and so.' Heavens opened doors for him. The other angels welcomed his arrival and spread the word coming from the sky next to the sky, up to the seventh heaven. Then Allah Almighty said, 'Record the book of charity in the book' Iliyyin, then return it to earth he was. 'Of the earth (ground) that we make you. It is to him we will return, and we'll get you out of it again at another time. (Surah Thoha [20]: 55)After that, the spirit returned again into his body, then he is visited by two angels who will ask him, 'Who is your Lord? What is your religion? ' he will mwnjawab, 'My Lord is Allah, my religion is Islam.' Then two angels asked, 'What do you think about Muhammad that are sent to you?' he replied, 'He is the Messenger of Allah. He came to us to bring the truth. ' Two angels asked, 'What is taught about it?' he replied, 'I read the Qur'an. I believe in and justify it. ' Then a voice came from heaven, which reads, "It has been true of my servant. Provide a bed for him from Paradise, pakaikanlah him clothes from Paradise, and open the door for him into Paradise. ' Then be brought all of that to him, and his grave diluaskanlah covering his eyes. Then, a man came to him that beautiful face and fragrant aroma, and said to him, 'I bring you good news that will make you happy. This is the day that you have been promised about. ' he asked laki0laki was, 'Who are you really?' he replied, 'I am the solehmu charity.' Then he said, 'Oh my God, immediately bring the Day of Resurrection. "Furthermore SAW Rosululloh tell when a state servant who disbelieve will leave the world. He SAW said, "Allah sent some angels to her black-faced while carrying a rope. Later they sat as far from her eyes. Subsequently, the angel of death came and said, 'O my poor soul, come out to the wrath and anger of Allah.' Then the angel of death take his life like pulling a thorn wet woolen cloth, so gave up all veins nerves.Once out, the spirit was immediately taken by the angels messengers of Allah before, and then they tie it with a bunch of rope they had brought. Out of him like the smell of carrion stench. Then they took him up to the sky, and every time they passed another group of angels, they ask, 'is this stench?' Answered, 'So and so ibn stench is so and so.' When they reached the sky, no angel would open the door untuknya.Lalu, Allah SWT said, 'Write a note in the book Sijjin charity.' Then the spirit was cast as strong as possible."... Never be opened to them the gates of heaven." (Surat al-A'raf [7]: 40)"Those who associate anything with Allah, it is as if he had fallen from the sky and struck by birds, or blown away to distant places." (Surat al-Hajj [22]: 31)After that, the spirit returned to jasadnya.Setelah back again to his body, then he was visited by two angels who will ask him, 'Who is your Lord?' he will answer, 'Sigh, haah. I do not know. ' Two angels asked, 'What is your religion?' he replied, 'Sigh, haah. I do not know. ' They asked again, 'What do you think about Muhammad that are sent to you?' he replied, 'Sigh, haah. I do not know. ' Then came there a voice from heaven that said, 'It has been my servant lies. Prepare for him a bed from Hell, and put the clothes to him from Hell, and open the door for him to hell! ' Then be brought to him all of it, and narrowed his grave until his bones crushed. Then, a man came to him with a face that is very bad and foul-smelling, and said, 'I have bad news to you that would make you sad. This is the day that has been promised to you. ' The pagan servant asked him, 'Who are you really?' he replied, 'I am your bad deeds.' Then spake the heathen, 'Oh my God, do not you bring the Day of Resurrection. "

People of Prophet Muhammad is the best race of all people

People of Prophet Muhammad is the best race of all people. And the best of the people of Prophet Muhammad's are those who live during with him, side by side and get along with him, justify, declare allegiance to him, follow him, follow jihad (war) with Him, to sacrifice their lives and property, to defend and support. Best over again are people who participated in the agreement Hudaybiyah, ie those participating mem-bai'at (stating the pledge of allegiance) to the SAW He was at that time numbered as many as 1,400 people. Of the 1,400 people, the best are those who fought in the battle of Badr the number 313, the same as the number of troops Saul. Of 313 people, the best are those who participated in the event Dar al-Khaizuran whose number is as many as 40 people. Of the 40 people, who are the best of 10 people who had been guaranteed by the SAW Rosululloh go to heaven, they are Abu Bakr, Umar, Ustman, Ali, Talha, az-Zubair, Abdurrahman ibn Awf, Sa'd, Sa'id , and Abu 'Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah. And the best of the 10 companions are as many as four people is Abu Bakr, Umar, and Ali Ustman. They are referred to by al-Khulafa'ar Rosyidin (caliphs option) is the amount of time their leadership after the Prophet Muhammad SAW is thirty years old.
Muslims are obliged to refrain from discussing or scrape disputes that have occurred among friends. Instead of a dispute between them, we have to highlight their virtues and glory. The dispute that had taken place between them, handed over his affairs to Allah Almighty alone.
And those who came after the immigrants and their Helpers pray, "Our Lord, Forgive us and our brethren who have faith before us, and you do not let envy (spring) in our hearts against those those who believe Our Lord, verily You Trustees infinite care anymore. " (Surat al-Hashr [59]: 10)

Virtue Obey GOD and Muhammad Rosululloh

Fruit of obedience to Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam
People are always committed and above obedience to Allah and His Messenger will achieve so much good. The goodness intertwined with other goodness. Among these virtues are:
1. Get a lot of love Allaah
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says (which means),
"And obey Allah and the Messenger, you surely have mercy." (Surah Ali-'Imran: 132)
"Obedience to Allah and His Messenger is one of the reasons she won grace (mercy) of God."
Rahmat Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is key for one to feel the joy of living in the world and the hereafter.
2. Obtain guidance
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will give guidance to those who desired him. Sure, people are blessed by His grace alone that will get this big. They are the ones who always keep obedience to Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, as in his verse (which means),
"And if you obey him (Prophet Muhammad), surely you get Hidayah (guidance)." (Surah An-Nur: 54)
Ie guidance (guidance) to the ash-shirath al-Mustaqim (the straight path), good (hint to) say or charity. There is no way for you to get guidance except by obeying him sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Without obedience to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, then there may even be impossible to obtain guidance. (See Karimir Taisir al-Rahman).
3. Big win
As in His word (meaning),
"And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, then surely he has got a great victory." (Surat al-Ahzab: 71)
Great victory is to put in al-Jannah as wide as the heavens and the earth. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala provide al-Jannah to those who obey Him and obey His Messenger. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says (which means),
"And those who obey Allah and His Messenger, He will put it into al-Jannah flowing rivers in it, were they abide therein, and that's a big win." (Surat an-Nisa ': 13)
4. Gathered together the prophets, the shiddiqin, martyrs', and Righteous
Al-Jannah is terraced. Residents will occupy al-Jannah levels according to levels of faith and piety. The higher and perfect faith and devotion of a servant, the higher the level of al-Jannah that she will occupy.
It is certain that the level of al-Jannah highest occupied by his servants the most glorious. They are the Prophets, the shiddiqin (the perfect justification and their faith against the law brought by the Prophet), the martyrs, and the righteous people. Together they're the ones who obey Allah and His Messenger will be collected in al-Jannah later. This is as His word (meaning),
"And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad), they will be together with the people who awarded the favor of God, the prophets, the shiddiqin, the martyrs, and the pious people. And they are the best friend. "(Surat an-Nisa ': 69)
Rahimakumullah readers. This verse also reminds us of the prayers that we always pray when reading surah al-Fatihah (meaning),
"Show us the ash-shirath al-Mustaqim (the straight path). (It is) the way the people which thou hast bestowed favors to them, not the (path) and not their wrath (way too) those who go astray. "(Surat al-Fatihah: 6-7)
Straight path (ash-shirath al-Mustaqim) is the way the people who have been awarded by the favor of God. Who are they? Readers can see in surah an-Nisa 'above, the course of the prophets, the shiddiqin, the martyrs, and the pious people.
Day and night we prayed that prayer always in our prayers. So that our prayers are answered by Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, then we should make every effort to always obey Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the whole side of our lives, both in terms of aqidah, worship , mu'amalah, or morals. May God keep us from the group declared by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam,
"And those who engage in immoral (disobedient) to me, then he was the one who was reluctant (ie, reluctant to enter al-Jannah, pen.)."
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says (which means),
"And those who engage in immoral (disobeyed) Allah and His Messenger and violated the provisions of His, He will put it in an-Nar, while he shall live for ever, and her humiliating punishment." (Surat an-Nisa ': 14)

"Surely the hardest prayer conducted by the hypocrites are Isha and Fajr prayers. Had they learned the virtue of them, they would come to him even to crawl." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
"Whoever Isha prayer in congregation, it is as if he has prayed for half the night night. And whoever dawn prayer in congregation, it is as if he had prayed the whole night." (Narrated by Muslim)


IMITATION TO EAT Messenger of Allaah alaihi WASSALLAM
1. Ibn al-Qayyim said: Those who pay attention to the food consumed by the Prophet, surely he understands that he has never integrate the menu with MILK FISH, or between MILK with VINEGAR, or between TWO equally FOOD INGREDIENTS INCLUDE HEAT, COLD ELEMENT, ELEMENTS STICKY, ELEMENTS CAUSE Constipation, diarrhea CAUSE ELEMENT, ELEMENTS HARD, or TWO FOOD INGREDIENTS containing contradictory, for example between FOODS CONTAINING INGREDIENTS THAT CONTAIN THE CAUSE Constipation Causes diarrhea, an easily digestible WITH BETWEEN are difficult to digest, BETWEEN THE BURNT BY THE BOILED, BETWEEN THE FRESH MEATS, WITH EXISTING salted and dried, BETWEEN MILK WITH EGGS, MEAT AND BETWEEN THE MILK. He had never eaten at the time the food is still very hot or warmed dishes for tomorrow, moldy foods (moldy) and salty, like foods that are marinated, pickled, or burned. All these foods dangerous and cause a variety of health problems.2. Prophet of Allaah 'alaihi wassalam used to fight the heat element in the chilled food with other food elements, element by element dry a wet food at other meals, as he ate cucumbers with ruthob (Maturity dates are not yet dried), eating tamr (dried dates) with cumin oil, drinking palm extract to soften chymus (semi-liquid material, homogeneous, creamy or like Gruel generated by the digestion of food by the stomach) hard foods. That is the essence of a healthy diet.3. He do not drink when you're eating, so it will ruin it, especially if the water is hot or cold, because it was once a poor diet.4. It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah, "the Prophet never denounced food at all, if you like, he ate it, if not she let, do not eat it." (Narrated by al-Bukhari: 5409, and Muslim: 2064)5. He likes meat, which he liked most was the arm and the front of the head of the goat. Therefore, a Jewish woman had poisoned him.6. Once upon a time the Prophet was given the meat, then shown the arm to him, so he liked it. (Narrated by al-Bukhari: 5712, and Muslim: 194)7. Prophet preferred meat is the best and most easily digested by the stomach, be it meat neck, forearm and upper arm.8. He also liked sweet foods and honey. It was narrated from 'Aisha radhiallahu anh, he said, "The Prophet of Allaah alaihi wassallam like sweet foods and honey." (Saheeh al-Bukhari: 5614).9. He used to eat bread with a side dish of whatever he had, sometimes meat, sometimes watermelon, sometimes dates, and sometimes vinegar. He said, "The best side dish is vinegar." (Sahih Muslim: 2052).10. He used to eat fruit crop land in its season, he did not memantangnya. It is also the most substantial means to maintain health.11. Messenger of Allah said: "I do not eat while leaning." (Saheeh al-Bukhari: 5398)There are three ways lean:a. Leaning on the ribs.b. Cross-legged.c. Leaning on something.The first type makes it difficult to eat, because he was blocking the flow of food naturally, inhibits the entry of food into the stomach speed, and push open the hull making it difficult for food. Gastric side, not upright, so food is not easy to him. The other two types are style seating arrogant people are against the spirit of servanthood.12. Anas mentioned in the hadith, "I saw the Prophet of Allaah alaihi wassallam iq'a sitting position while eating dates." (Sahih Muslim: 2044) He used to sit with iq'a to eat, that is sitting in the second position rests on the knee, while positioning stomach right foot, as a form of ketawadhuan to his Lord. This is the best position at mealtime.13. Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassallam said: "If any one of you eat, then do it to clean his hands before licking it." (Agreed upon, Bukhari: 5376, and Muslim: 2031).14. He ate with his use of three fingers, and this is a way of feeding of the most beneficial.15. Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassalam said: "O my child! Mention the name of Allah (BISMILLAH), eat with your right hand, and eat foods that nearest you." (Agreed upon, Bukhari: 5376, and Muslim: 2022).