People of Prophet Muhammad is the best race of all people. And
the best of the people of Prophet Muhammad's are those who live during
with him, side by side and get along with him, justify, declare
allegiance to him, follow him, follow jihad (war) with Him, to sacrifice
their lives and property, to defend and support. Best
over again are people who participated in the agreement Hudaybiyah, ie
those participating mem-bai'at (stating the pledge of allegiance) to the
SAW He was at that time numbered as many as 1,400 people. Of the 1,400 people, the best are those who fought in the battle of Badr the number 313, the same as the number of troops Saul. Of 313 people, the best are those who participated in the event Dar al-Khaizuran whose number is as many as 40 people. Of
the 40 people, who are the best of 10 people who had been guaranteed by
the SAW Rosululloh go to heaven, they are Abu Bakr, Umar, Ustman, Ali,
Talha, az-Zubair, Abdurrahman ibn Awf, Sa'd, Sa'id , and Abu 'Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah. And the best of the 10 companions are as many as four people is Abu Bakr, Umar, and Ali Ustman. They
are referred to by al-Khulafa'ar Rosyidin (caliphs option) is the
amount of time their leadership after the Prophet Muhammad SAW is thirty
years old.
Muslims are obliged to refrain from discussing or scrape disputes that have occurred among friends. Instead of a dispute between them, we have to highlight their virtues and glory. The dispute that had taken place between them, handed over his affairs to Allah Almighty alone.
those who came after the immigrants and their Helpers pray, "Our Lord,
Forgive us and our brethren who have faith before us, and you do not let
envy (spring) in our hearts against those those who believe Our Lord, verily You Trustees infinite care anymore. " (Surat al-Hashr [59]: 10)
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